Our Community Is Your Community

Serving Tampa Bay Families Since 2007.

The Experience You Deserve

Women love our sensitive, confidential, and supportive approach to women’s healthcare. From the moment you arrive, you’ll enjoy a secure, private experience. 


We Offer Something for All Women

Welcome your new baby with us. You’ll enjoy the comforts of home plus access to the finest nurse-midwives who follow the Midwives Model of Care. We tailor your experience to the specific needs of you and your baby.

Schedule a well-woman/GYN appointment with our professional, all-female staff of certified nurse-midwives. We welcome women of all ages, from adolescence to post-menopausal.



Natural Births




Successful Years


Beautiful Facility


Serving All Women

Breath of Life was established to provide all women in our community with a safe, natural alternative to traditional medical care before, during, and after childbearing years. As a non-profit organization, we want to care for all women in our community, without regard for social and economic status. Through our donor programs, we can welcome more women and families of all backgrounds.


Support Women and Babies

Help us eliminate disparities in maternal health and ensure any woman can experience quality, respectful care at Breath of Life. We don’t ever want to turn someone away. Every gift you make provides support to mothers and families who need financial assistance to access our services.

Experience A Safe, Personal, & Empowering Natural Birth at Breath Of Life 

Find out if we’re a good fit for you.